Fish Taco Bowls: Give Me Anything in a “Bowl”
I’m not complaining. I haven’t had one I didn’t like yet. These are right up my alley. In the realm of dinner options, usually we’re talking about some kind of grain, some veggies, a protein, and perhaps a sauce. What’s not to love? I’d eat a version of this every night for pretty much as long as I can imagine…
So take a good I already love and turn it into a bowl, and we have a win! Fish taco bowls!!
Some people are so weird about having all their food touch. I’ll never understand those people. In contrast, I want to simultaneously enjoy every flavor from my meal in each individual bite. My husband will selectively eat his favorite part of the meal before moving on to the next most desirable component, but I think each piece makes the others better. This has to be the reason bowls are winning at life right now, right?
In this case we have a satisfying bed of quinoa topped with a crispy, light and refreshing cabbage slaw, perfectly breaded white fish (as you’d find in any respectable fish taco) and in my case a huge helping of Cholula because I love Cholula too much. (Ok really though, it’s exactly the right flavor of spicy and tangy for this meal. Try it…) Last but not least, a little crunch from some roasted, salted pepitas and cool creamy avocado round this out and turn it into the perfect meal.
This amazing little creation right here can be found (with far better photos than mine) at Pinch of Yum food blog (alongside a bajillion other phenomenal recipes).